Assalamualaikum w.b.t
alahai si blog. dah berapa hari kene tinggal kan. sian dia. tapi takpe. ema memang ada niat nak anaktirikan blog ini. hehehe. so, mmg biar berhabuk siki-sikit baru update. bagus tak saye?
ape jadah nye dgn tajuk kat atas tu? ok, ema cuma nak share artikel kopipes ni je. so, same-same la kita renung and tenung berlaku tak masalah-masalah yg dinyatakan ni dlm diri kita. and bagi yg belum grad and baru nk start belajar balik mcm ema ni, cube-cube la atasi masalah ni dari awal ok. supaya dah grad nanti tak nyusahkan mak bapak lagi dah. ye la.. tengah belajar pon dorang kene tanggung. udah abis belajar pon dorang nak kene support lagi kan. so, jadi la anak yg baik macam ema ok.
PETALING JAYA – Poor attitude -including asking for too much money – is the chief reason why employers shy away from hiring fresh graduates.
Another common complaint is that many graduates are poor in English.
A survey by online recruitment agency showed that 55% of employers cited unrealistic expectations of salaries while 48% of them said poor English was the main reason why Malaysian fresh graduates from both public and private institutions remain unemployed.
“While previous surveys named poor English as the main cause for unemployment, bad attitude has now topped the list,” said its chief operating officer Suresh Thiru.
He said their attitudes were so bad that some did not even bother to inform the companies if they were running late or unable to attend scheduled interviews.
It was announced that the number of jobless graduates had increased from 65,500 to 71,600 although the overall unemployment rate had dropped from 3.4% last year to 3.1% during the first quarter of this year.
Another study by recruitment agency Kelly Services showed that fresh graduates asked for flexible working hours and expected their work to accommodate their personal life, not vice versa.
Its marketing director Jeannie Khoo said employers were also turned off by the lackadaisical attitude and lack of drive to improve among many of them.
“They have the misconception that they can earn high salaries at entry-level. They enter the banking industry expecting to earn RM3,000 while the market rate is only RM2,200,” she said.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia head of recruitment Salika Suksuwan said some candidates had many offers in hand but acted unprofessionally in rejecting job offers – by not turning up for interviews or the first day at work.
“We sometimes have to call them and remind them about a scheduled interview when they didn’t turn up,” she said.
Talent Corp CEO Johan Mahmood Merican urged fresh graduates not to make demands on their salary.
” It is more important to join a company that can develop your skills and prepare you for future opportunities,” he said.
In a related development, Human Resource Deputy Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan said half of the applicants who registered with the JobsMalaysia portal ( had found employment.
Speaking when launching the Graduan Aspire 2011 employment fair yesterday, she said about 300,000 job applicants were currently registered with the website. (
ha.. amacam? terbukak tak mata? artikel ni di kopipes dari SINI. sape yg tak setuju sila komen kat SANA and kalo nak bising kat SINI pun lagi bagus. hehehe.
tapi ema rasa mcm betul je kan. grads sekarang memang demand lebih. ema ade la sembang dgn tokey-tokey kedai kot sini kat. and dorang dok bising pasal nak cari pekerja la. and dorang cakap susah nak cari org sekarang. and dorang kate sebab nye yg ada dip dr politeknik pon demand nak mampos. nak gaji standard aje. padahal bkn la duduk di bandaraya besar yg memerlukan kos sara hidup yg tinggi. cumalah hidup di kg yg memang tak pyh nak pk pasal duit sgt pon. eh panjang pulak aku bebel ek.
tapi ye la kan. sekarang ni sume benda pakai duit. sape tak nak gaji hebat kan? so, tangan di dada mata ke atas je lah.
P/S: Al-Fatihah utk arwah Dato' Lo' Lo'. Semoga roh beliau ditempatkan di kalangan org-org soleh.. amiinnn...

tak pasti sama ada fresh grads yang demand atau pun standard salary kat malaysia ni yg terlalu rendah..tapi kesian la kat bebudak tu..
but i think taraf hdp yg mkn tinggi tu yg buat semua org nak gaji tinggi..
kan.. kan..
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